VIC Tutoring
Equivalent ATAR =
Mathematical Methods Year 11-12
Economics Year 11-12
Chemistry Year 11-12
Maths Year 5-10
Maths Year 1-4
Intro video:
A bit about me
Hi, my name is Hayden! I'm a mega nerd, a programmer, a budding pro athlete, an Under 7s to Under 19s Squash Coach, a retail worker, a tutor, and a recreational weightlifter (although I don't look like it 😅)
How on Earth did I actually manage to learn all of that? Solid question.
Short answer: I have no idea.
Long answer: I lied, here's how I do it:
Step 1. Build from the ground up. Do the basics, and do them really well. Get good at the basic stuff to the point that it feels like breathing. Doing the basics is 90% of the job. To use Squash as an analogy, this is like learning how to hold a racket. Not even swinging it, holding it.
Step 2. Build from the ground up. Yes, again. Make that groundwork even stronger. Unbreakable. Invincible. Make it so good that you could do it blindfolded. This time, you'll notice that you can add some more, add a little ✨bonus✨. Add something fancy. Learn how to swing the racket. Learn how to hit the ball. Learn how to aim a shot. Add just a tiny bit more, but only do it when you're absolutely certain you've got the basics right.
Step 3. Build from the ground up. I'm getting really annoying with this now. Learn those concepts again. Learn them so well that you start doing it in your sleep. Now, you're suddenly learning why you did everything; you're learning how to combine what you learned, and how to use it. Now you can hit trick shots, shots behind your back, shots that go 300km/h, any shot you can think of. Why? Because you built from the ground up.
Want to know the best part?
You just did it then. Learn a simple concept, learn it again (but with some extras), and learn it again (but this time learn to apply it). If you don't trust me, go read those steps again carefully.
So, if you (or your child) liked the way I teach, contact me for a free study skills consultation and I'll see you soon! 😊
Working With Children Check
Tutor Training program
I've CompleteD
Online Resources
Bonus access to KIS Plus worksheets, video lessons and notes.
I went to school at
I'm Currently Studying
Engineering and IT
Mathematical Methods Year 11-12
Economics Year 11-12
Chemistry Year 11-12
Maths Year 5-10
Maths Year 1-4
That's why we set out to hire only the best tutors in Australia.
St. Andrew's Catholic College, Redlynch
Mathematical Methods Year 11-12, Economics Year 11-12, Chemistry Year 11-12, Maths Year 5-10, Maths Year 1-4
Auchenflower, St lucia, Milton, Brisbane adelaide street, Yeronga
Hi, my name is Hayden! I'm a mega nerd, a programmer, a budding pro athlete, an Under 7s to Under 19s Squash Coach, a retail worker, a tutor, and a recreational weightlifter (although I don't look like it 😅)
How on Earth did I actually manage to learn all of that? Solid question.
Short answer: I have no idea.
Long answer: I lied, here's how I do it:
Step 1. Build from the ground up. Do the basics, and do them really well. Get good at the basic stuff to the point that it feels like breathing. Doing the basics is 90% of the job. To use Squash as an analogy, this is like learning how to hold a racket. Not even swinging it, holding it.
Step 2. Build from the ground up. Yes, again. Make that groundwork even stronger. Unbreakable. Invincible. Make it so good that you could do it blindfolded. This time, you'll notice that you can add some more, add a little ✨bonus✨. Add something fancy. Learn how to swing the racket. Learn how to hit the ball. Learn how to aim a shot. Add just a tiny bit more, but only do it when you're absolutely certain you've got the basics right.
Step 3. Build from the ground up. I'm getting really annoying with this now. Learn those concepts again. Learn them so well that you start doing it in your sleep. Now, you're suddenly learning why you did everything; you're learning how to combine what you learned, and how to use it. Now you can hit trick shots, shots behind your back, shots that go 300km/h, any shot you can think of. Why? Because you built from the ground up.
Want to know the best part?
You just did it then. Learn a simple concept, learn it again (but with some extras), and learn it again (but this time learn to apply it). If you don't trust me, go read those steps again carefully.
So, if you (or your child) liked the way I teach, contact me for a free study skills consultation and I'll see you soon! 😊