VIC Tutoring
While other companies...
Hire the top 3% of anyone who applies.
Here at KIS...
KIS Tutors are the Top 3% of all graduates in Australia!
All KIS Tutors pass our advanced training module. This turns the best, academically gifted students, into masterful educators with a great personality!
While other companies...
Might not reply, have payment difficulties, make you feel like you're talking to a robot.
Here at KIS...
We make customers the priority.
Our team replies within 12 hours, and provides you with a hassle free, stress free experience.
We want to help you and your child maximise their education.
While other companies...
Hide their prices, or require card details before lessons.
Here at KIS...
We are always open, honest and provide the best value for your money.
While other companies...
Don't have a history of positive customer experience.
Here at KIS...
All our reviews are genuine, and amazing.
Found on verified sites, from real students and their parents.
KIS is Australia's only 5 ⭐️ tutoring company.
Here at KIS...
We share our story and resources with those who need us.
Our team works alongside many organisations to support students - regardless of their demographic, learning abilities, or geographic location.
We want you to maximise your education!
While other companies...
Are run by committees who have been out of school for more than 10 years.
Here at KIS...
We are students.
We're empathetic young adults who love education and want to give back to the community through inspiring the next generation.
As a year 11 student doing ATAR, I was looking for a tutor that could help me with French. KIS Academics was incredibly helpful and fast at finding me a wace french tutor who could assist me with my studies. My tutor Eliza Carey over the past few months has helped me so much not only in French but in biology and maths as well. I’m incredibly grateful for the effort and commitment she has put into helping me be more comfortable and less stressed about the subjects I was having difficulty with. It’s been nothing but an honour to be tutored by Eliza and I strongly recommend her as a tutor
“I got the top mark for my SAC which was really nice, and I think that’s all because of my tutor”
Medha / Year 12 Student
“It's been absolutely fantastic and it's just been a very positive environment for learning”
Amanda / Parent of a Year 7 Student
The study skills consultation is the perfect opportunity to get to know your KIS Academics tutor. Both parents and students are welcome to attend!
Our expert tutors will focus on three things during the study skills assessment:
1. Past performance - How has the student performed in previous years and what areas need improvement?
2. Present motivation - Why are they looking for a tutor right now and what help can KIS offer them? What is the student's current learning style?
3. Future dreams - What goals would the student like to set with the tutor, and what would they ultimately like to strive towards?
Our tutors will use all of this information to create an individualised plan for the year, so you know exactly what to expect from your tutoring lessons.
We have hundreds of amazing tutors offering top quality services at great prices. Why are they so amazing compared to other companies? It's simple: we pay them so much more. We take a low commission so you can get top scoring private tutors at low rates.
It's hard to express just how much we care that you have a great experience with us. We invite you to look us up on Facebook, TrustPilot, Instagram and Google. There's plenty of amazing stories from our previous customers.
Once you've been matched with a tutor, make sure to contact them within 48 hours. All our tutors have limited spots which run out quickly, and if we've matched you with them, we can only reserve your spot for 48 hours. After that, your tutor may be matched with other students or parents, so make sure to contact them for your free study skills assessment before you lose your spot!