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English Analysis
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The purpose of an analysis essay is to provide an analysis of someone else’s work, not a recount of what they said but rather what you make of it. This is subjective, but you still need evidence to support what you are saying.
Unless you are advised otherwise, you should write in third-person and adopt a more formal tone. This gives your work a sense of authority and legitimacy - the reader believes your work is fact, rather than simply your opinion.
Start by making an essay outline or plan, considering what your thesis and argument will be.
Summarise the author’s purpose/ aim, main ideas and how this is conveyed through certain techniques (style, language, form etc).
Signpost your structure and arguments to support your own thesis.
The body of your essay consists of paragraphs, each a building block in the construction of your argument. You want to use the body of your essay to answer the question through added detail and sophisticated reasoning of related evidence.
Use targeted topic sentences that argue your thesis with evidence to support. The evidence is form the bulk of your critical analysis. I strongly recommend that you put together a bank of active analysis verbs that will bolster your analysis and ensure you are not just describing a text or recounting the plot. Here are a few to get you started: strengthen, assert, elicit, characterise, imply, validate, underline, allude, emphasise.
Always remember link that evidence back to your point, your thesis and finally the question!
You’ve said a lot, now is your opportunity to bring it all together. Be clear and concise. Your conclusion should not just be a repeat of the introduction. You should also avoid introducing new content, ideas or evidence although you might want to make your essay more thought-provoking by offering some food for thought for the reader (of course, related to what you have already said).
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Australia’s Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) defines academic integrity as ‘a commitment ... to six fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility, and courage’ (International Centre for Academic Integrity, 2014 AS CITED IN TEQSA).
These fundamental values are the basis on which principles and behaviours within the scope of academic integrity are developed. For the purpose of this policy, academic integrity is the moral and ethical code of conduct related to the use, generation and communication of information in an honourable, fair, and responsible manner.
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