Calculate your predicted ATAR score or convert your grades. Choose your education system below to get started.
Victorian Certificate of Education
Higher School Certificate
Queensland Certificate of Education
Western Australian Certificate of Education
International Baccalaureate
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Our calculator is one of the most accurate calculators around because we use data from the past 2 years released by each state to get the best estimate of your ATAR score.
Your actual ATAR will be scaled according to the performance of everyone in your state that year, so it may differ from our estimate. Our calculator, like all other ATAR calculators, can only give you an estimate of your ATAR based on historical data.
The Australian Tertiary Admission Rank is a number between 0.00 and 99.95 that indicates your position relative to all the students in your age group (ie all 16 to 20 year olds in NSW). So, an ATAR of 80.00 means that you are 20 per cent from the top of your age group (not just your Year 12 group).
If your subjects scale well, great for you! But if it doesn’t, it’s not the end of the world. A general misconception about scaling is that it “punishes” students for taking certain subjects. In reality, it is designed to ensure fairness, not to discourage or favour any particular subject.
Don’t pick subjects based on scaling, but based on what you’re realistically good at and interested in. After all, a raw 50 will still be a scaled 50 (or even more!) no matter which subject you take.
At KIS Academics, our tutors are all high-achieving ATAR students who are more than happy to share their experiences with you, as well as work with you to achieve your academic goals. Book a tutor with us now