VIC Tutoring
Equivalent ATAR =
Legal Studies Year 11-12
Literature Year 11-12
English Year 5-10
Intro video:
A bit about me
Hello! My name is Anirudh, and I prepared for all of my VCE exams two days before I sat them. Let's try and change that for you...
I graduated from Suzanne Cory High School with an ATAR of 98.45 and exceptional study scores; especially my raw 46 in Legal Studies and 41 in Literature.
Speaking more broadly about myself in high school, I was a House Arts Captain who helped run a House Drama competition, managing/directing/acting in two teams of around 20 people to make student-led theatre! I was also very involved in extra-curriculars, and did debating alongside the Evatt Model United Nations (which I won the State Grand Finals in!). I'm definitely a good example to prove that you can do more than just study at school!
I'm currently pursuing a Bachelors of Engineering (Honours) - Masters Accelerated Pathway at Monash University. I'm pursuing all of my interests, such as public speaking, tennis, guitar and technology at University and can't wait to see what the future holds!
I take an active learning approach when teaching students, collaborating with them, testing them, and working towards a solid understanding that can't disappear the night before a test. If any of that sounds good to you, I hope to see you soon!
Working With Children Check
Tutor Training program
I've CompleteD
Online Resources
Bonus access to KIS Plus worksheets, video lessons and notes.
I went to school at
I'm Currently Studying
Engineering and IT
Legal Studies Year 11-12
Literature Year 11-12
English Year 5-10
That's why we set out to hire only the best tutors in Australia.
Suzanne Cory High School
Legal Studies Year 11-12, Literature Year 11-12, English Year 5-10
Hello! My name is Anirudh, and I prepared for all of my VCE exams two days before I sat them. Let's try and change that for you...
I graduated from Suzanne Cory High School with an ATAR of 98.45 and exceptional study scores; especially my raw 46 in Legal Studies and 41 in Literature.
Speaking more broadly about myself in high school, I was a House Arts Captain who helped run a House Drama competition, managing/directing/acting in two teams of around 20 people to make student-led theatre! I was also very involved in extra-curriculars, and did debating alongside the Evatt Model United Nations (which I won the State Grand Finals in!). I'm definitely a good example to prove that you can do more than just study at school!
I'm currently pursuing a Bachelors of Engineering (Honours) - Masters Accelerated Pathway at Monash University. I'm pursuing all of my interests, such as public speaking, tennis, guitar and technology at University and can't wait to see what the future holds!
I take an active learning approach when teaching students, collaborating with them, testing them, and working towards a solid understanding that can't disappear the night before a test. If any of that sounds good to you, I hope to see you soon!