Our ATAR Calculators:

WACE ATAR Calculator 🧠

Predict your WACE ATAR and use it to build a study plan for WACE exam success.

TISC no longer releases scaling data. Because of this the calculator requires you to submit your estimated scaled score.

How the WACE works
WACE stands for the Western Australian Certificate of Education. This is a certificate that students receive on successful completion of the requirements at the conclusion of their senior secondary education. This is what is recognised by all universities in Australia and other tertiary institutions.

What is the ATAR?
ATAR is short for Australian Tertiary Admission Rank and ranges from 99.95 to zero and is a method to position you relative to all other students. It is based on your TEA: sum of your best four SCALED scores out of 400 (4x100 = 400).
For each subject score, 50% is from school results and assessments in YEAR 12 and the rest 50% is from the subject WACE exam.

Qualifying to Sit the WACE
In order to sit the WACE exams, students must achieve a WACE Literacy and Numeracy Standard either by pre-qualifying through achieving a Band 8 or higher on the Year 9 NAPLAN test, or by completing an Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment.

Choosing subjects for Year 11 and 12
Students in Year 10 must choose their subjects for Year 11 and 12 so that they are best prepared for WACE.
There are also certain subjects that must be taken together. For example, if you take Maths Specialist, it is imperative that you also take Maths Methods.

Why is Year 11 and 12 a pair?
ATAR is split into 4 units, with Unit 1 and 2 studied in Year 11 and Units 3 and 4 studied in Year 12. Each unit must be completed in order.

Now, what is scaling?
ATAR scaling is a system that aims to make Year 12 academic scores fair for students across all schools and all subjects. However, the choice of subject for school should not be based on whether or not the subject will be scaled up or down!

The WACE ATAR system can be quite complex, and understanding what's going on can be very daunting for new students and parents. If you ever need some assistance with your ATAR, KIS Academics WACE tutors have a thorough knowledge of the subjects and can assist in understanding curriculum requirements.

Ready to dive in?

Start a KIS Online Course for Free. You'll get access to hundreds of concise concept videos, worksheets to fill in, quizzes to test yourself and masterclasses to analyse - all taught by 99+ ATAR tutors with perfect subject scores.