Rating of 4.9 stars

KIS Academics

Assignment Marking

Assignment feedback starting at $30

Our expert tutors can mark essays, science practicals, research projects and much more!

Last minute cram? Get your assignment back as quickly as you need it

If you don't get it back on time, we'll give you a full refund and send it to you anyway

Here's what your assignment or essay feedback will look like - full of 100% actionable tips to improve

It's as easy as 1, 2, 3 🎶

Here's why KIS Academics is your #1 choice:

Marked by the top 3% of tutors in Australia

Year 7-12 Science Practicals

Assignment marking starts at $30

Science Poster Presentations and EPIs

Year 5-10 English Essays

Research Projects (SACE)

Year 11-12 ATAR English Essays

Maths Investigations

SACE SHE tasks

...and more!

Why you should get your assignment marked by KIS Academics:

We'll do the proofreading

Maximise your marks

If you really want to achieve the highest grades for your assignments, submit them to be marked by KIS Academics' expert tutors before handing them in.

Having someone look over your work and provide feedback is one of the best ways to pre-screen assignments before submission and get the best advantage.

As soon as you send your assignment to us, our tutors will review and return it to you with thorough and useful recommendations to improve not just this assignment, but your academic skills overall.

All assignment reviewing is done in accordance with our Academic Integrity Policy

get expert advice

Don't just hand assignments in...
Learn from them

Assignments aren't just a way to test your knowledge.
You should be able to learn from them too.

Receive valuable feedback on:
👉 Spelling, grammar and punctuation
👉 Sentence and essay structure
👉 Themes, quotes and analysis
👉 Scientific and Mathematical Accuracy
👉 Sticking to curriculum and rubric requirements
👉 And more...

Trusted Tutors by families all over Australia 🇦🇺

Top performing Tutors
Students aced their studies
Lessons completed

Real results and verified reviews

Rating of 4.9 stars

Our Academic Integrity Policy:

Provide Help, Not Answers 🎓

KIS Academics is committed to maintaining the highest levels of academic integrity by creating, using, and sharing information in a manner that is responsible, honourable, and, at all times, ethical.

KIS Academics considers the upholding of academic integrity to be the responsibility of all employees within the company, as well as all private tutors.

KIS Academics takes an educative - not punitive - approach to ensure students and private tutors are provided with the support needed to effectively address any academic integrity issues that may be identified.

KIS Academics mandates our tutors to maintain the highest levels of academic integrity in all their interactions with their students.

Australia’s Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) defines academic integrity as ‘a commitment ... to six fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility, and courage’ (International Centre for Academic Integrity, 2014 AS CITED IN TEQSA).

These fundamental values are the basis on which principles and behaviours within the scope of academic integrity are developed. For the purpose of this policy, academic integrity is the moral and ethical code of conduct related to the use, generation and communication of information in an honourable, fair, and responsible manner.

Submitting your assignment to be reviewed by a KIS Academics tutor will ensure you not only receive top-notch feedback and guidance on how to improve your academic skills, but you do so in a way that is ethical, legal and maintains academic integrity

Let's ace that assessment 😎

Assignment and essay marking

Frequently Asked Questions 🙋

What is the Marking Service?

The KIS Academics Assignment and Essay Marking Service is where you can submit projects or essays you've done and get them marked by professional tutors who know your curriculum and requirements well. You'll receive feedback on how to improve your assignment before handing it in

How much does it cost?

Assignment and Essay Marking starts at just $30, and can save you time and money compared to doing a full lesson with a private tutor.
Prices increase depending on how long your assignment is and how quickly you need it back.

How does it work?

It's simple!
All you need to do is click the red "Submit" button on this page. You'll be able to attach your assignment, let us know of any details, and even attach a rubric or marking criteria sheet if you'd like to.

We'll give it to an expert tutor to read over, provide detailed and actionable feedback, and then send it back to you via email.

Who will mark my assignment?

After you send it through to us, an expert tutor who knows your content, topic and curriculum requirements will allocate themselves to your assignment.

Our tutors know exactly how to provide actionable advice so you won't get any wishy-washy or vague feedback that you don't know how to improve your assignment with.

When you receive your marked essay or assignment, we'll tell you who the tutor that marked it was so if you want more help, you can request them as a tutor for some private tutoring sessions.

Is it confidential?

Your name and contact details are kept 100% confidential, even from the tutor marking it. We do this to make sure we preserve your privacy and remove any potential bias from the marking process.

What if it's not sent back in time?

We keep our word 🤝

So far, we've never sent back an assignment late.

On the off chance that we do, we'll mark it for free and return it to you.
KIS Academics
It's the people around you that help you achieve your potential

That's why we set out to hire only the best tutors in Australia.

High quality tutors at competitive prices.

We have hundreds of amazing, qualified online tutors offering top quality services, starting at just $40 per hour. Whether the student is in high school or primary school, we cater for all. So, why are our tutors so amazing compared to other companies? It's simple, we pay them better. We take a low commission so you can get top scoring private tutors at the best rates. Discover our team of dedicated tutors who specialize in various subjects, from Chemistry and Maths to English and UCAT, as well as offering support for high school, HSC, and VCE, and many more. View all tutoring locations.

Free 30 minute Study Skills Assessment

Paying for an initial lesson with a tutor you've never met is absolutely crazy! And surprisingly, that's what most tutoring places will ask you to do. We think you deserve to meet your tutor and make sure they're the right fit for you - free of charge. Request a tutor and they will reach out to you to organise this free trial session!

Online courses to rival any classroom

Skeptical about online courses? Trust us, you won't be for long. With tutors specifically trained to deliver content online and use the latest and greatest teaching tools, we'll make you wish you had done things with KIS from the start. You can watch, rewatch, revise and review content as often as you need to. Starting at only $8 per week.

We're proud of our reviews.

It's hard to express just how much we care that you have a great experience with us. We invite you to look us up on Facebook, TrustPilot, Instagram and Google. There's plenty of amazing stories from our previous customers.
Click below to see all our reviews on posted on our Wall of Love ❤️

Rating of 4.9 stars