That's why we set out to hire only the best tutors in Australia.
We have hundreds of amazing tutors offering top quality services, starting at just $60 per hour. Why are they so amazing compared to other companies? It's simple, we pay them so much more. We take a low commission so you can get top scoring private tutors at the best rates.
Skeptical about online courses? Trust us, you won't be for long. With tutors specifically trained to deliver content online and use the latest and greatest teaching tools, we'll make you wish you had done things with KIS from the start. You can watch, rewatch, revise and review content as often as you need to and ask questions on demand from a top scoring tutor. Only $8 per week.
It's hard to express just how much we care that you have a great experience with us. We invite you to look us up on Facebook, TrustPilot, Instagram and Google. There's plenty of amazing stories from our previous customers.