The Ultimate 99+ ATAR 30-day Study Guide
Need to get exam ready in 30 days? Let me show you how I organised my time to get a 99.90 ATAR.
Need to get exam ready in 30 days? Let me show you how I organised my time to get a 99.90 ATAR.
Need to elevate your creative writing? Learn the foolproof formula for writing a full-mark creative response!
SACE bonus points are super important! These bonus points give your adjusted ATAR a boost to push your ranking up when applying for tertiary study through SATAC.
So it's approaching that time when you have to submit your subject selection for next year - what SACE subject is right for you? What should you choice be based off of? And what if you hate it? We talk all about it here!
Thinking of going to university? Looking at how to fill out your SATAC application is the best place to start. This is the website that you will be giving in your personal details and your university course preferences.
As daunting as it may sound, let’s dive into what the SACE research project is and how you can make it as useful to you as possible (and maybe even fun!)
For many SACE subjects, exams are used to test your knowledge of all the information you have learned in the past year. SACE exams can be in multiple formats, whether that be online or on paper.
For those in the top 2% of all students completing a particular SACE stage 2 subject, a merit will be rewarded. But first, let’s dive into what a merit actually is...
Exactly how the mythical SACE/NTCET works is a constant source of confusion for parents and students. Learn about South Australia and the Northern Territory's shared Year 12 ATAR system here