VCE ATAR Results 2024: Victoria's Top Performing Schools
View the results of Victoria's top-ranked schools based on 2024's VCE results.
Manoj Arachige MD BMedSc is the founder of KIS Academics. He's a 99.95 scorer and a doctor by trade. Hailing from Melbourne, he's tutored for over 7 years and hired more than 100 of KIS's first tutors
View the results of Victoria's top-ranked schools based on 2024's VCE results.
View the results of QLD's top-ranked schools based on 2024's HSC results.
View the results of WA's top-ranked schools based on 2024's WACE results.
View the results of NSW's top-ranked schools based on 2024's HSC results.
The first unit of QCE legal studies, Beyond Reasonable Doubt, introduces students to the Australian criminal justice system. This guide will break down the unit’s content and assessments as well as provide you with our best study tips to ensure your success in QCE legal studies!
As year 12 rolls around, one of the most commonly asked questions by students is: “How should I study to get an ATAR above 99?”. If this is something that has crossed your mind, this is the right article for you.
The dreaded VCE History essay. As tutors, we often see students hesitate and feel uncertain when confronted with a long, intimidating essay prompt. We all know the feeling – it can be daunting and make us doubt ourselves. But let’s break it down today!
From a high 7-scoring HL Economics student, learn how you can ace your long answer responses for Paper 1!
An IB 45 is the highest score a student can receive in the IB program. In this article, I’ll break down ways to help achieve an IB 45, including some of the strategies that have helped students along this journey. Want a 45/45? Keep reading to find out how!