The best performing IB Schools in Australia 2023
If you're curious to see a list of the top-ranked IB schools in Australia you are in the right place. Keep reading to find the best-performing IB schools in Sydney, Melbourne and more!
Manoj Arachige MD BMedSc is the founder of KIS Academics. He's a 99.95 scorer and a doctor by trade. Hailing from Melbourne, he's tutored for over 7 years and hired more than 100 of KIS's first tutors
If you're curious to see a list of the top-ranked IB schools in Australia you are in the right place. Keep reading to find the best-performing IB schools in Sydney, Melbourne and more!
Struggling to see how you'll write a whole essay in only 40 minutes? Not sure whether you should memorise an essay or go in blind? We got you! Here's our fool proof step-by-step guide to memorise essays that you can adapt to ANY question.
This is the ultimate roadmap in preparing you for a band 6 in Maths Advanced. From essential concepts to expert strategies, this guide covers all you need to know for future success!
Confused about the IB and not sure how it actually works or whether it would be the better curriculum for you? Not to worry, join us as we take a deep dive into everything IB! How it's structured, how it's graded and the benefits!
This article is the ultimate roadmap in preparing you for top marks in Maths Methods. From essential concepts to expert strategies, this guide covers all you need to know for future success!
Wondering what you should expect for Year 7 English? Not sure how to prepare for the new school year? KIS Academics has got you covered! We've broken down and simplified Australia's Year 7 English curriculum to prepare you for the year ahead.
Looking for a reading list to get ahead and boost your English marks? You have come to the right place. Our expert tutors have accumulated all the best reads to improve your English skills and secure you top marks!
When ATARs come out its a mix of excitement and stress. Sometimes it’s better than you expect and sometimes it is worse. As with most things in life, it is difficult to predict. So what happens when your ATAR isn't what you wanted? Here are our expert top tips for figuring out a plan B.