SA Public Holidays 2026.

A detailed view of the public holidays in South Australia for 2026.

8 months ago   •   1 min read

By Manoj Arachige
Photo by Savvas Kalimeris / Unsplash

2026 might be a year and a few months away, but why should that stop the holiday planning??

Here is a list of all the public holidays for ACT in 2026.

South Australia Public Holidays 2026

New Year's Day - 1st Jan (Thu), 2026

Australia Day - 26th Jan (Mon), 2026

Adelaide Cup Day - 9th Mar (Mon), 2026

Good Friday - 3rd April (Fri), 2026

Easter Saturday - 4th April (Sat), 2026

Easter Sunday - 5th April (Sun), 2026

Easter Monday - 6th April (Mon), 2026

ANZAC Day - 25th April (Sat), 2026

King's Birthday - 8th June (Mon), 2026

Labour Day - 5th Oct (Mon), 2026

Christmas Eve - 24th Dec (Thurs), 2026

Christmas Day - 25th Dec (Fri), 2026

Boxing Day - 26th Dec (Sat), 2026

Boxing Day holiday - 28th Dec (Mon), 2026

New Year's Eve - 31st Dec (Thu), 2026

Daylight Savings Time 2026

5th April (Sun), 3:00 am - Turn the clock backward by 1 hour

4th Oct (Sun), 2:00 am - Turn the clock forward by 1 hour

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