

How to Interpret Your Child's NAPLAN Results

The NAPLAN is a nationwide exam given in school that will provide a progress report on your child's learning development in numeracy and literacy. This blog will walk you through how to interpret your child's NAPLAN results and help decipher what they really mean for your child’s learning journey.

By Manoj Arachige
6 months ago
Year 7-10

What is the GATE exam in Australia?

The Gifted and Talented Secondary Selective Entrance program, or more commonly known as the GATE exam, is a standardised test used to select students into gifted and talented programs based on academic merit. Keep reading to find out more about the GATE exam and how to ace it!

By Manoj Arachige
6 months ago

Our 5-minute guide to understanding NAPLAN

With NAPLAN grabbing the headlines in the media, you might be wondering what exactly it involves and how you can best support your child. Don’t worry - we’ve got you covered with this quick guide to each section of the test and some handy tips to help your child prepare!

By Manoj Arachige
6 months ago