How to get a high school scholarship in Melbourne

Looking for a scholarship for a private school in Melbourne? Read along for our expert guide on how to get a high school scholarship based on your skill set and see a list of high-performing scholarships available to you in 2025.

6 months ago   •   5 min read

By Manoj Arachige
Photo by Bharath Reddy / Unsplash

As the cost of living - and not to mention, the cost of education - continues to rise, the opportunity for many students in Melbourne to access education is restricted. From the costs of uniforms to textbooks to devices, and the oft pricey fees, education has become a financial burden for many Victorian families. 

While both the state government and many Victorian schools offer a range of scholarship opportunities, the challenge is determining how to take advantage of them. 

The key to maximising your chance of a successful application is determining which scholarship domains are offered at your school of choice, and then answering the pivotal question: “Which scholarship offer will best suit my strengths?” 

Academic Excellence 

If you excel in traditional school subjects, particularly literacy and numeracy, you may be a great candidate for an academic scholarship. 

Preparing for an Academic Scholarship 

  1. Leading up to your application, particularly in the year prior, aim to achieve the highest marks you can on your school tests and assignments. Specifically, you should aim for As or the equivalent at your school. 
  2. Ensure that you are prepared for your scholarship test by practising commonly assessed skills, including:
    1. Creative and persuasive writing 
    2. Spelling, grammar and punctuation 
    3. Reading comprehension 
    4. Numeracy
    5. Science or humanities (less common)
  3. Do the best you can while sitting your scholarship test. 

General Excellence

If you consider yourself an ‘all-rounder’ and a strong leader, you may be an ideal candidate for a general excellence scholarship. 

Successful applicants show great performance across academics, as well as other domains including music, performing or visual arts, community service, leadership and sport. 

Preparing for a General Excellence Scholarship 

Many schools require a portfolio or document that conveys your achievements across various domains. Here are some ideas to include in your portfolio: 

  • Awards presented to you by your school, sporting club or other extracurricular organisation 
  • Certificates of completion of examinations or activities, such as music or dance exams, volunteering programs, and sports or art competitions 
  • Tokens that represent your passions or areas of excellence, including art pieces, photographs of your achievements, medals or ribbons 

Additionally, a General Excellence Scholarship often requires an interview. To prepare for the interview, you can:

  • Practice explaining your portfolio 
  • Practice discussing your passions and interests
  • Write down why receiving a scholarship would help you achieve your goals 

Musical Excellence 

If you excel in playing a musical instrument and are assessed according to the Australian Music Examinations Board (AMEB), you may be an exceptional candidate for a music scholarship. 

Preparing for a Music Scholarship 

To best prepare for a music scholarship, it is important to familiarise yourself with the assessment format at the school you are applying to.

  1. Audition: Prepare for your audition by selecting pieces that showcase your musical ability, and practise these leading up to the assessment.
  2. Sight reading and aural testing: Practising these skills under timed conditions may be helpful. 
  3. Technical work: It is best to practise these skills alongside your audition pieces leading up to the assessment.  

Additionally, ensure that you are ready for your audition by preparing according to the school’s criteria, and supply any certificates or documentation required. 

Sporting Excellence

If you play a sport at a state or national level, you may be an excellent candidate for a sports scholarship. 

Sports scholarships are typically awarded to students who have the potential to play at an elite level, particularly in sports that the school regularly competes in. 

Sport scholarships do not require testing, but rather, evidence of both outstanding sport performance and high-quality leadership skills. Thus, the best way to prepare for your sports scholarship is to collate evidence of these skills and prepare to discuss them in an interview. 

Some schools also offer financial aid to students who would typically be unable to afford education at the school otherwise. The aforementioned domains are typically considered in the application for financial aid. The names of these scholarships often vary from school to school. 

The final checklist 

Before applying for a scholarship, ensure that all other criteria are fulfilled. Commonly required tasks are listed below: 

  • Prove your eligibility. You may have to supply documentation proving your eligibility according to the school’s criteria. 
  • Write a personal statement. A student is often required to write a brief statement regarding why they would be a suitable recipient, or why they would like to attend the school. 
  • Sit for an interview. Depending on the school and scholarship type, you may be interviewed by the principal or another authority figure within the school. You will likely be asked to discuss the domain of your scholarship and your excellence in that area, as well as why you think you would make a great candidate. 
  • Ensure you meet the deadlines. These include the scholarship application itself, noting that schools typically intake scholarship applicants at certain grade levels. 

Top Performing High Schools Offering Scholarships in Melbourne

1) Haileybury 

Offers Academic, General Excellence, Music Excellence, Indigenous and Foundation scholarships.

2) Melbourne High School

Offers scholarships based on academic or musical excellence, as well as unique circumstances or needs. 

3) Wesley College

Offers Academic and General Excellence scholarships, recognising sports, performing and visual arts, leadership and music.

4) Methodist Ladies College

Offers a broad range of scholarships, including Academic, Sports, Performing Arts, Music, Science, Boarding and Indigenous Scholarships.

5) Geelong Grammar School 

Offers Academic, General Excellence, Music, Visual Arts, Sports, Rural and Regional, Boarding and Choral scholarships.


Where do I apply for a scholarship? 

The short answer is: online. The majority of schools conduct their scholarship applications via the school’s website. To check whether a school of interest offers a scholarship, or which types of schools offer a certain scholarship, the quickest route is to search online. 

What type of students receive a scholarship?

As mentioned, students with above-standard academic results, along with excellence in another domain, typically have the best chances of receiving a scholarship. 

How long does getting a scholarship take? 

Applying for and receiving a scholarship typically takes months. Applications often open a year or two before entry into the school. 

If you are a student preparing for a high school scholarship, we wish you the best of luck. Preparing to the best of your ability will provide you with the greatest chance to achieve your scholarship goals. 

Want more personalised study guidance to improve your chances of success in your next scholarship exam? A private tutor can make the biggest difference!

Written by KIS Academics Tutor for UCAT & VCE English and Literature, Kiaara Taia. Kiaara is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine at Monash University. She has received excellent reviews from her past and current KIS Academics students. You can view Kiaara’s tutor profile here to request her as a tutor. 

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