An in-depth guide on VCE Physics: Breaking down the Units, Assessments and Final Exams for your success

Looking to achieve your maximum potential in VCE Physics? Whether you’re not yet sure if you gravitate towards the subject or you want to accelerate your success, this is your essential guide to the course, assessments, and the best tips and tricks to help you excel.

a day ago   •   5 min read

By Manoj Arachige
Photo by FlyD / Unsplash

But first, what is VCE Physics?

Physics is the study of the physical world around us and the laws that govern the natural world. Examining constantly developing scientific theories and models, physicists investigate the interaction between matter and energy and explore fascinating concepts like mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, quantum physics, and relativity.

What does the course look like?

Each unit of VCE Physics is centred around a question: 

Unit 1 - How is energy useful to society?

You begin by exploring energy in all of its interesting forms - light, thermal, radiation, nuclear, and its transmission through electricity. 

Unit 2 - How does physics help us to understand the world?

After focusing on motion, you delve into one of 18 areas of interest, including “How can we detect possible life beyond Earth’s solar system?” and “How do instruments make music?”, before designing a scientific investigation to produce a practical report.

Unit 3 - How do fields explain motion and electricity?

You build on unit 1/2 studies, diving deeper into motion, fields, and energy by analysing different types of motion as per Newton’s Laws, comparing gravitational, electric, and magnetic fields, and investigating electromagnetism.

Unit 4 - How have creative ideas and investigation revolutionised thinking in physics?

Utilising critical thinking skills developed throughout the course, you compare wave and particle models of light and matter and explore revolutionary concepts like special relativity. Like unit 2, you also apply key science skills to conduct and present your own practical investigation.

What are the assessments like in VCE Physics?

Assessments can include practical reports, presentations, and scientific posters, as well as assignments and tests with questions that involve:

  • Applying physics concepts to real-world contexts
  • Analysing data
  • Explaining theories, devices, and innovations
  • Comparing and evaluating solutions to problems, explanations of physics concepts, and methods or findings from practicals

Practical work is also a central aspect of VCE Physics studies, with the key science skills relevant to all VCE sciences. For example, Unit 4 Area of Study 2 involves presenting a scientific investigation as a poster. You can master your practical report by getting it marked by a top-scoring KIS tutor

The final exam includes questions as above in the form of 20 multiple-choice and 100 marks of short-answer and extended responses. The good news is: you’re allowed one double-sided A3 reference sheet! The exam contributes 50% to the study score so effective exam preparation offers you a great chance to boost your score. 

Should I pick VCE Physics?

If you’re still familiarising yourself with how VCE works, you must consider many factors when choosing subjects. VCE Physics may be the right choice if:

  1. It is a prerequisite for university

When applying to universities, some courses require completion of Chemistry, Biology, or Physics, so Physics may be a suitable option. 

  1. You want to pursue engineering

VCE Physics will allow you to explore this interest as engineers use their understanding of the physical world to design and construct technology, informed by mathematical concepts. In saying that…

  1. You enjoy maths

Physics relies on many mathematical formulas and concepts such as algebra and data analysis. If you are doing Specialist Maths, you will find overlapping content like vectors and kinematics. 

  1. You have great critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Physics involves applying mathematical formulas and understanding abstract theories and concepts, so strong analytical thinking skills are essential to make sense of these ideas in the context of how the world around us.

Tips and Tricks to Succeed in VCE Physics

  1. Don’t fall behind

Note-taking is an important skill for any VCE subject, but for Physics, you should take notes as you go to consolidate your understanding and set yourself up for success with notes for your reference sheet. By staying on track with content, you also have more time to apply your knowledge with practice questions. 

  1. Practice, practice, practice

Expose yourself to a variety of questions in the lead-up to exams. Practising will help you to be wary of common issues like significant figures and units.

  1. Make a mistake diary

Keep track of all the mistakes you make throughout the year, whether those be from textbook questions, worksheets, and most importantly, VCAA exams. Review these mistakes alongside the marking guide, paying particular attention to the mark allocation for 3+ marker explanation-style questions. It may also be a good idea to colour-code or organise your mistakes based on Area of Study so you know which topics to review leading up to exams.

  1. Refer to the study design 

A thorough understanding of the study design is critical to success in every subject. VCAA can only assess you on these concepts, so know what they are! For Physics, the study design is especially useful for constructing your reference sheet. Cross-check your reference sheet with the study design by colour-coding (yes, again) points based on the following criteria:

  • Included
  • Need examples
  • Not included

You can then edit your reference sheet to ensure you have all the relevant information.

  1. Ask for help.

Don’t hesitate to ask questions or for feedback from your teacher, the internet, or a private tutor, who can provide personalised support. Looking to improve or extend your understanding? The KIS Academics high-performance course can help you ace VCE Physics.


What subjects does VCE Physics go well with?

As mentioned, Physics is complemented by maths subjects, particularly VCE Specialist Maths and Mathematical Methods. 

Other science subjects like Chemistry and Biology can be valuable alongside Physics as they also involve applying key science skills and provide base knowledge for pathways like chemical and biomedical engineering.

Can I do VCE Physics 3/4 without the 1/2?

Yes, however, there is assumed knowledge in the 3/4 course that you will need to learn or revise without having done the 1/2, including electricity (U1 AOS3) and motion (U2 AOS1).

What do I put on my reference sheet for VCE Physics?

It is useful to include: 

  • Formulas not in the formula sheet
  • Diagrams
  • Key terms and their symbols/units 
  • Real-world applications/examples
  • Mistakes you’ve made in practice exams
  • Common misconceptions

At the end of the day, your reference sheet is your guide, so tailor it to your needs.

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Need to develop perfect study notes to achieve that perfect ATAR? Learn the exact note-taking process our 99+ ATAR graduate tutors used during their time at high school.

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Written by KIS Academics Tutor for VCE Physics, Hailey Axalan. Hailey is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science/Masters of Engineering at the University of Melbourne. You can view Hailey's profile here and request her as a tutor.

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